Thursday, September 3, 2009

What writers write about...

We have been having so much fun in Writers' Workshop this week! We brought in shoeboxes full of items that gave us stories and helped us come up with "seed" ideas. A seed idea is a small idea that can grow into a beautiful story (just like a real seed can grow into a beautiful flower!).

We got into groups and told our stories "in the air" before we sat down and started to write.
Next, we came up with a looooong list of seed ideas that we can write about all year long!
What Writers Write About:
· toys
· spending time with relatives
· firsts
· friends
· pets
· vacations
· shopping
· birthdays
· places- the beach
· famous people
· family heirlooms
· gifts
· hobbies
· traditions- family celebrations- holidays
· crafts
· emotions
· getting in trouble
· jewelry
· embarrassing moments
Now we'll never hear, "Mrs. Constande! Mrs. Cole! Mrs. Sani! I don't know what to write about!" because we have soooo many seed ideas right on the front page of our writing journal! Comment on this post and let us know of more seed ideas that you came up with for homework! Happy writing! :)